Duo Rough Trail Hydra 220 spinning lure

Duo Rough Trail Hydra 220 artificiale da spinning

There is almost nothing more adrenaline-pumping than catching predators with surface lures. Hydra will mesmerize a range of species with its dynamic jumping action that stays on the surface perfectly mimicking the movement of garfish.

Product Details

58.2 g.
Needle WTD
Fishing technique
Slow Sinking
Pack of
1 piece
Rough Trail Hydra 220
Rough Trail Hydra
220 mm.
Spinning on eels
Top water
Internal sound system
Moving ball balancing
With hooks/anchors
Anchors / hooks size
2 anchors No. 1/0


There is almost nothing more adrenaline-pumping than catching predators with surface lures. Hydra will mesmerize a range of species with its dynamic jumping action that stays on the surface perfectly mimicking the movement of garfish. Hydra is a long sinking pencil type for targeting pelagic species from shore or offshore fishing. By using the long body design, it will reduce the chances of large species swallowing the bait whole or biting the shock-leader. The slender body allowed the bait to contract and jerk with little rod work and will swing the neck from side to side in a "Walk the dog" style. It will also put on a jumping action by dragging its tail to the surface with a quick retrieve. With its small head design and loaded with a fixed weight in the tail section, it responds quickly to the angler's action so that it is very attractive to our target. It is most suitable for use when fish are feeding on the surface.

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