Egi and oppai DTD DTD Soft Full Glavoc 2.5 oppai from tataki €8.20 The Soft Full Glavoc from DTD possesses a rubbery body, so that the squid or cuttlefish will feel like touching a real fish. In addition, the body is fluorescent, transparent and bright, and also changes color in water. Add to cart
Available in stock Egi and oppai DTD DTD White Killer Oita Egi 3.0 fishing totanara €10.00 Totanara White Killer Oita from DTD an artificial lure with high visibility. Fluorescent body, steel crowns and excellent balance. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Shrimp Oita Egi 2.2 fishing squid €8.50 DTD Shrimp Oita is a cephalopod fishing squid that can be used both from the boat and by spinning. It presents the body as a transparent and bright shrimp covered with silk, the eyes are black/red and bright, has 2 steel crowns and excellent balance. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Real Fish Oita Egi 2.2 fishing squid €9.40 Real Fish OITA is a natural color totanara produced by Croatian DTD. A bait with attention to detail, its design faithfully reproduces the coloration of Mediterranean prey fish, including the detail of the parasite typical of this environment positioned behind the head. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Soft Real Fish 1.5 oppai from tataki €8.20 The Soft Real Fish oppai from DTD presented at EFTTEX 2017. in Budapest, have unique characteristics, they are inspired in the smallest details by Mediterranean fish. The special "red glow" soft body ensures high catchability towards cephalopods. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Special Oita Egi 2.2 fishing squid €8.50 The Special Oita from DTD is a squid net for fishing from the boat, has a bright body covered with thin silk, the colors are vivid and fluorescent, has excellent balance in the water and features two steel baskets. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Toro 3.0 oppai sutte da eging €8.80 Toro, a new Squid from DTD presented at Efttex 2019 in Brussels. An extremely attractive egi and particularly good for catching cuttlefish, squid and squid. Excellent balance, pink body, contrasting colors, stainless steel crowns and swivels. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Soft Diamond 1.5 oppai from tataki €8.20 DTD Soft Diamond Squid presented at EFTTEX 2015. in Warsaw, was created for squid and cuttlefish fishing with tataki technique. Dtd Soft Diamond has a very soft and very bright body with double stainless basket. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Diamond Glavoc 1.0 totanara oppai sutte €8.70 Squid Diamond Glavoc DTD, coated with a special flash fabric that is very durable and bright, with deep, fluid colors that take on a variety of hues when in contact with water. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Shrimp Oita Egi 3.5 fishing squid €8.50 DTD Shrimp Oita is a cephalopod fishing squid that can be used both from the boat and by spinning. It presents the body as a transparent and bright shrimp covered with silk, the eyes are black/red and bright, has 2 steel crowns and excellent balance. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Silicone Papalina 100 gr. lead squid with 2 crowns €11.90 The Silicone Papalina from DTD is a new lead squid with the feature of changing color when in contact with water. Silicone inserts, stainless steel sponges (anchors) and 3D fluorescent eyes. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Soft Natural Kanjac 1.0 oppai from tataki €7.80 Soft Squid Jig DTD Soft Natural Kanjac represents one of the most common inhabitants of the Adriatic Sea, the perchia ,a reef fish that , because of its distinctive lines is easy to identify and is often the prey of squid and cuttlefish. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Special Oita Egi 3.5 fishing squid €8.50 The Special Oita from DTD is a squid net for fishing from the boat, has a bright body covered with thin silk, the colors are vivid and fluorescent, has excellent balance in the water and features two steel baskets. Add to cart
Available in stock Egi and oppai DTD DTD Color Oita Egi 3.0 fishing squid €9.20 DTD Color Oita an eging squid lure coated with a special fabric that changes color in contact with seawater. After dipping the bait into the seawater, the bait color of the artificial becomes stronger and brighter to attract squid. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Silicone Papalina 45 gr. lead squid with 1 crown €9.90 The Silicone Papalina from DTD is a new lead squid with the feature of changing color when in contact with water. Silicone inserts, stainless steel sponges (anchors) and 3D fluorescent eyes. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Soft Gira 1.0 oppai from tataki €7.50 Soft Squid Jig DTD Soft Gira is a silicone squid jig that mimics a classic Mediterranean inhabitant, Spicara Smaris better known as Menola or Zerro. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Color Oita Egi 3.5 fishing squid €9.20 DTD Color Oita an eging squid lure coated with a special fabric that changes color when in contact with seawater. After dipping the bait into the seawater, the bait color of the artificial becomes stronger and brighter to attract squid. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Soft Pauk 1.5 oppai from tataki €7.80 Squid Jig DTD Soft Pauk Although a very dangerous and poisonous fish, the pauk (tracina) is very often common prey for cephalopods. It can be found on sandy bottoms. A squid with a soft body and realistic colors. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Wounded Fish Oita Egi 3.5 fishing squid €10.20 The Wounded Fish Oita from DTD is a totanara with distinctive finishes that realistically reproduce a wounded fish. An eging lure that mimics Mediterranean fish, the high balance and great swimming ability make this a very attractive fishing artificial. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Silicone Papalina 60 gr. lead squid with 1 crown €9.90 The Silicone Papalina from DTD is a new lead squid with the feature of changing color when in contact with water. Silicone inserts, stainless steel sponges (anchors) and 3D fluorescent eyes. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Gavun 55 gr. lead squid with 2 crowns €10.50 Squid Gavun DTD a squid with soft body and bright colors. Stainless steel basket and leaded body. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Diamond Oita Egi 3.5 fishing squid €9.50 When it comes to visibility, this product sets a very high standard. The special white coating that resembles fish skin with flash yarn and neon colors on the back makes this product very visible. It simply sparkles like a diamond. Add to cart
Available in stock Egi and oppai DTD DTD Wounded Fish Bukva 3.0 totanara oppai sutte €9.20 Squid DTD Wounded Fish Bukva perfectly imitates Mediterranean fish and because of its characteristics turns out to be very catchable. On the sides of its body are marks that simulate wounds that the baitfish would have sustained, thus fooling the squid because a wound is normally synonymous with weakness. Add to cart
Egi and oppai DTD DTD Silicone Gavun 27 gr. lead squid with 1 crown €8.90 The Silicone Gavun from DTD is a leaded squid designed for Fluò squid fishing to be used instead of lead or with the handline technique. Add to cart